Phone: 09-442648588-99

School’s Expectations towards Students

Respect others

♦ Use respectful words and tone of voice when talking to anyone;

♦ Don’t take or use other people’s property without prior permission;

♦ Work to solve problems constructively, without violence or abuse;

♦ Keep hand, feet and objects to self;

Be prepared to learn

♦ Be in your seat and ready when class begins;

♦ Have appropriate materials;

♦ Have your homework completed;

Follow instructions

♦ Follow reasonable instructions from teachers and administrative staff;

Do your best

♦ Participate positively in class;

♦ Stay on task;

♦ Learn all you can;

Students’ responsibilities

♦ It is the responsibility of each NIEC student to:

♦ Abide by the student code of conduct.

♦ Read, understand, and keep copies of all forms they are given.

♦ Respect the rights and property of others, including other students, and the staff;

♦ Be fully acquainted with the published school rules and to comply with them;

♦ Recognize that student actions reflect upon the individual and upon the entire school community.

♦ Maintain a level of behavior which is consistent in supporting the learning environment of the school;

♦ Maintain school property in a manner that does not deface, destroy or harm it;

♦ Return library books in a timely manner and pay any fines that may be imposed;