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Assessment and Grading System

We use Criterion-referenced grading system. A criterion-referenced test will use questions which were correctly answered by students who know the specific material.

Criterion-Referenced System 

Definition: In criterion-referenced systems students are evaluated against an absolute scale (e.g. 91-100 = A*, 80 - 90 = A, etc.). 


Normally the criteria are a set number of points or a percentage of the total. Since the standard is absolute, it is possible that all students could get As or all students could get Ds. 


Advantages: Students are not competing with each other and are thus more likely to actively help each other learn. A student's grade is not influenced by the caliber of the class. 


On a criterion-referenced test, every student taking the exam could theoretically fail if they don’t meet the expected standard; alternatively, every student could earn the highest possible score. On criterion-referenced tests, it is not only possible, but desirable, for every student to pass the test or earn a perfect score.


For each of the main subjects (English, Mathematics, and Science), students are given a grade from A* to F (A* being the highest and F being the lowest). Semestral Assessments are held two times: October (Semestral Assessment 1) and March (Semestral Assessment 2). For the whole year award, those students who have got A* in main subjects in both SA1 and SA2 tests will be awarded trophies. There is no ranking system to reduce the stress of students and parents. 


For the minor subjects, students are given a grade from A to E (A being the highest and E being the lowest), based on the test results plus commitment and dedication in the classroom activities, group and individual project.