Phone: 09-442648588-99
The school welcomes student or their parent/ guardian positive and constructive feedback on its academic, administrative and support services. It undertakes to consider, reply and act on feedback in a timely manner. If any student or parent/ guardian has a grievance against a particular academic or administrative staff for their service or the school policy or practice, they can resolve the issue informally with the respective staff responsible or alternatively, they can bring the issue to the attention of the Principal or the Coordinator. The complaint will be dealt with in a sensitive and confidential manner. The complaint will be looked into by the Principal or the Coordinator, depending on the case. If the complaint is of a minor case and of the policy or procedure of the school, the Principal/ Coordinator will resolve the matter immediately. If the complaint is directed against a person, the Principal will discuss the issues with the person complained against in the interest of achieving a resolution that is fair to both parties. The Principal will listen to both sides without prejudice. The Principal will get the agreement of the complainant before proceeding.